[news] Gruppo ARRUDA launches ecommerce ARRUDA & NAPPI™ Coffees

[news] Gruppo ARRUDA launches ecommerce ARRUDA & NAPPI™ Coffees


16 May 2024, Alba, Italy – Gruppo ARRUDA launches the new ecommerce website with its ARRUDA & NAPPI™ brand.

The company foresees an outstanding 2024 as it develops and launches different products addressed to the European market. “There is much more coming throughout the months ahead, not only with new coffees but also a new portfolio of products that will enhance the positioning of our brand” says PhD Ana Paula Nappi Arruda.

The ecommerce website (https://arrudanappi.com) will be a key channel whereby the company expects to communicate and interact with its community while also developing it to become a relevant sales channel to the European market.


Owned by Gruppo ARRUDA, a family business based in Alba, Italy, ARRUDA & NAPPI™ is a trademark that consolidates the tradition of the “Toledo Arruda” and “Nappi” families in the coffee business with a history that started with coffee plantations over 130 years ago in Brazil. ARRUDA & NAPPI™ Coffees focuses on both Specialty Coffee and Gourmet Coffee of excellence, all single origin from Pedra Elefantina’s farms in the area of Matas de Minas, Brazil. A key distinctive feature of ARRUDA & NAPPI™ is its unique positioning to offer the excellence that comes directly from those who plant, harvest and roast the coffee, therefore controlling 100% of the processes while bringing to the market a tradition that encompasses 6 generations.


For further information or queries:
Tel. +39 339 605 0445
Follow us on Instagram: @ArrudaNappi

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